Landfilling is the ultimate disposal method in that it is the only one that is applicable to all wastes as well as to waste components from which all utility has been exhausted in a resource recovery operation—in other words, the final rejects. Landfilling and resource recovery are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Typically, landfills are classified into two types, the open dump and the sanitary landfill. Generally the open dump is defined negatively in relation to the sanitary landfill, that is, in terms of what it is not. Although many definitions can be found for the term "sanitary landfill", they all have certain elements in common. Judging from the literature, the classification of sanitary landfill methods is a rather arbitrary affair. The construction of a sanitary landfill is an incremental affair in that it consists of a series of additions made each day until the full capacity of the site is reached.