Drawing upon the research put forward in the previous chapters, in concluding this work, the author argues that there are several values and experiences central to Goddess feminism that can be used to directly address the female experience of anorexia within contemporary society. It is argued that reflections on the Goddess, as conceptualized as a powerful female construct, can provide an empowering and liberating symbol for women, particularly for women utilizing the anorexic expression. This argument is reinforced by drawing upon the work of Chapter 5 on the themes and values central to Goddess feminism as the author draws together the tools necessary to address the various strands of disembodied rhetoric which come together in the development of the anorexic expression. Discussion surrounding the value of individually meaningful myths and their practical application for daily life is further extrapolated and examples provided. This is discussed in relation to the development of a Goddess-informed consciousness to underpin daily rituals and acts. These are just some of the features drawn upon by the author as lending themselves to a reconnection of feminine nature in the minds and bodies of women within our culture. Here, the Spirituality of Anorexia is established.