Environmental politics has never been successful in Italian political system, at least with regards to environmental parties’ electoral success. At the end of the 1970s when ecological social movements were most successful in Europe, these issues started to be represented in an unexpected political context in Italy: the Nouvelle Droite. With the decline of the influence of the Nouvelle Droite thinkers within the post-Fascist party of the MSI (Movimento Sociale Italiano – Italian Social movement), ecological issues also lost political representation in the far right milieu. The situation has not changed significantly in the last decades. The only exception to this scenario is represented by the far right movement CasaPound Italia (CPI). Environmental issues play a major role in its political agenda, and its political activities are organized upon a set of collateral organizations. Three of them promote ecologist values and respect for the environment and organize actions to advertise their engagement. In fact, the communication of these activities pays a central role in hinting at the possibility of an alternative way of doing politics, which constitutes one of the main refrains in CPI’s political communication.