The most basic financial goal in business is to make a profit. Profit is the result of revenue less the expense of operating the business. Non-financial goals may directly or indirectly help to achieve increased profits. Non-financial values include aspiration, innovation, confidence, autonomy, creativity, passion, professionalism, diligence and ethical behaviour. Organisational culture is like the personality of the organisation and studying it in depth is important to implement processes of change and deal with one’s own culture in a more adaptive and effective way. While trust may seem like a non-financial goal or value, its presence or deficiency can have an immediate financial impact. Uber’s deficiencies in human resource management not only affected the rights and well-being of individual employees, but also undermined Uber’s culture and stability. An analysis of Uber’s self-driving car metrics showed that the company’s autonomous vehicles needed constant micromanagement, according to a news report.