This chapter establishes what certain parties who are irrevocably tied to the agencies would be reasonably expected to desire from the agencies. As the majority of investors, of varying levels of capability, have expansive portfolios, the inclusion of highly rated investments allow them to balance their portfolios so that riskier ventures are counterbalanced by the low-yield but highly dependable interest payments accrued from highly rated debt issuances. First, not all investors partook in the pre-crisis securitisation system that was at fault so, in that sense, the issues raised within this section are not absolutely representative of the relationship between 'the investor' and 'the agency'. One of the world's richest people and widely regarded as one of, if not the, greatest investor of modern times is David Clark Warren Buffett. Ultimately it is contested here that this divergence between what is desired and what is actually the case is both real and pervasive.