This chapter surveys the history of adult-centered liberals (ACLs') empty promises to protect children while also protecting parents and communities. Family drug courts are spinoffs from juvenile courts, to which are referred some maltreatment cases in which parental substance abuse was a factor. The chapter explains ACLs' goal is simply black parents' having possession of children. It should preface description of this string of failed initiatives by reminding that what ACLs most want is massive spending on anti-poverty programs. Liberals do not find ways to argue that non-intervention or a lighter touch would actually be better for victims as well as perpetrators; that kind of talk is reminiscent of the oppressive coverture regime that denied women full personhood. In addition to creating a major distraction with the Racial Disproportionality Movement, liberals have promoted one innovative program after another whose singular objective has been ensuring as many children as possible are in the custody of their biological parents.