Sex and pornography addiction are now common terms and an increasing number of people are seeking help with these problems. The introduction explains why a new revised edition of this book is needed and what has changed since the first edition. The new integrative C.H.O.I.C.E. Recovery Model that incorporates the use of CBT, ACT and Positive Psychology in addiction treatment is explained, and the importance of ensuring that treatment approaches complement 12-Step support. The growing problem of ChemSex and the explosion in pornography addiction is also outlined, as is the growing research in the neuroscience of sex and porn addiction. The introduction also explains the format of the book – Part I covers academic information and provides a guide to understanding the development and function of addiction. Part II is dedicated to specific client communities and offers suggestions on additional considerations when working with these groups. Part III is where you’ll find how to recover from sex and porn addiction, including lots of practical and immediately usable self-help information and advice.