Planning and sowing grasslands David B. Hannaway and Linda J. Brewer, Oregon State University, USA; Steve Fransen, Washington State University, USA; and Glenn Shewmaker, Shannon Williams and Sarah Baker, University of Idaho, USA

1 Planning

2 Species and cultivar selection: overview

3 Species and cultivar characteristics: tolerances

4 Species and cultivar characteristics: further characteristics

5 Establishment and renovation: initial considerations

6 Sowing and initial management

7 Key issues in improving forage selection

8 Review of existing selection tools

9 Future trends

10 References

1 Planning1

Planning, a crucial step in successful pasture establishment and initial management, begins with an inventory and analysis of resources. The end product of the planning process is a set of goals and timelines for accomplishing them. Goals allow you to determine whether you are using your resources efficiently. Identifying and creating an inventory of resources can help you see whether your goals are achievable. The planning process is cyclical in nature and has four key components: inventory, analysis, planning and implementation.