The last section is related to water and its key role in ensuring abundance and how the cradle-to-cradle approach should be applied to new water schemes to preserve and augment our biosphere.

The book proposes schemes whereby water abstraction from the biosphere is minimized by reuse and upcycling and a natural meteorological replenishment phenomena to reinstate the water abundance that naturally exists in the biosphere. This section of the book illustrates various schemes upcycling the water consumed in the technosphere and by domestic anthropogenic uses and generating new water.

The schemes are extended to the sludge management, which under these new schemes nutrients generated by anthropogenic scheme can be returned to enrich the biosphere in a cyclic scheme.

In this functional pattern, as biosphere water abstraction is minimized, nature can replenish the natural water resources leading back to an abundant cycle.

This part of the book also proposes an analysis of captive versus centralized water generation and upcycling schemes whereby captive generation and treatment shows marked advantages both in terms of energy consumption and overall impact on biosphere elements.