This chapter presents an overview of simulation, including fidelity, modalities, standards, guidelines and frameworks for simulation, phases of simulation, challenges and general tips. Simulation is an educational strategy where elements of the real world are integrated to achieve specific goals relating to learning or evaluation. Fidelity simply means how authentic or life-like the manikin and/or the simulation is and how accurately the modality reflects a real-life situation or scenario. Low-fidelity simulation experiences include those that are often static and lack realism and/or situational context. Medium-fidelity simulation experiences are considered to be more dynamic and realistic than low-fidelity ones. High-fidelity simulations reflect the conditions and circumstances of real life as accurately as possible. Simulated patients, sometimes called standardised patients, are usually volunteer members of the community or paid actors who support the education of healthcare professionals. Part task trainers are replications of body parts that provide key elements relative to performing a procedure or learning a task.