This chapter develops a conceptual framework called the Technopolis Wheel to describe the process of technology development and economic growth in a technopolis. The Technopolis Wheel reflects the interaction of seven major segments in the institutional makeup of a technopolis: the research university; large technology companies; small technology companies; state, local and federal government; and support groups. The modern technopolis is one that interactively links technology commercialization with public and private sectors to spur economic development and promote technology diversification. The chapter discusses the validity and scope for general application of the concept of the Technopolis Wheel with examples from a mature technopolis (Silicon Valley, California), a developing technopolis (Austin, Texas), and an emerging technopolis (Phoenix, Arizona). Federal, state, and local government play vital roles in the development of a technopolis. The federal government impacts a state's economic vitality in two key ways: through the development and operation of military installations and through federal funding for research and development activities.