This chapter aims to understand the effectiveness of the treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa among female adolescents using intertwined arts therapy. It shows that the physical condition of the participants was improved including normal body mass index (BMI), stable menstrual cycle and the absence of inappropriate compensatory behaviours. However, BMI describes only one aspect of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, namely inappropriate weight, or the physical consequence of eating or not eating, and not the causes of the condition, or motives, dynamics, oscillations, stability and instability, compensatory behaviour and accompanying psychological experiences. The physical consequences of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are, as with other eating disorders, best monitored using the BMI, its measurement and statistical distribution throughout a given population. The research described here was undertaken at the Association for Psychosocial Help with Art in Slovenia that offers psychosocial support mostly to people with eating disorders.