Karl Abraham says, the child's primitive method of evacuation brings the entire surface of its buttocks and lower extremities in contact with urine and feces. Abraham quotes a patient's dream fragment, he dreamed that he had to expel the universe out of his anus. The idea of the omnipotence of defecation is very clearly expressed in his dream. A period of infantile omnipotence without any major interference is a natural, necessary stage in healthy growth. Perhaps the most succinct statement that can be made of the connection between anality and the superego is "Cleanliness is next to Godliness". If the superego is too strong and the ego too weak, it will eventually collapse and the patient will succumb to schizophrenia. Depending on the quantity of affect attached, the severity of the caretaker's demand and the number of incidents involved, the initial evolution of the strength of the superego will be determined.