This chapter offers the first empirical analysis of the book. Here, I use in-school pregnancy in order to develop a nuanced picture of how discourses and subjects are mutually constituted. I achieve this by carrying out an analysis of Decree 39/GM/2003, the national policy currently in use to manage the occurrence of in-school pregnancy in Mozambique. This includes the textual analysis, which leads to the claim that the policy constructs in-school pregnancy as a problem and, subsequently, produces the need to regulate its occurrence. Further to this, I move on to consider school practices and the ways they are enacted as a constant surveillance (Foucault, 1977) directed at monitoring potential pregnancies, and triggering their management. In the fourth section, I draw upon the above discussions to suggest that the concept of ‘throw-out’ (Luker, 1996) may adequately complement that of ‘dropout’ in accounting for young women who leave school due to a pregnancy. This positions educational institutions among the factors of girls’ dropout.