Meaningfulness and mutuality provide the social basis for equipping people with the capability for ethical world-building they need to develop life value organisations. In a philosophy of ethical organising, meaningfulness and mutuality are conceptualised as meta-values for structuring life value organisations. Using meaningfulness and mutuality as meta-values, this chapter specifies elements of a social architecture of meaningfulness and mutuality that translates the general capacity for organising into a human capability for ethical world-building. The value of meaningfulness is taken up into practical reasoning by participants in collective action who must jointly determine what they ought to do. Mutuality as an organising principle activates the value of meaningfulness at the organisational level and also in the inter-organising and meta-organising needed for associational ecosystems. This is secured through an organisational voice system that institutes the meaning-making processes that meaning-makers need to incorporate the moral value of meaningfulness into practical reasoning.