The book concludes by using the social architecture of meaningfulness and mutuality as a normative lens to examine three troubling situations that illuminate dimensions of ethical organising. Each situation shows not only how the human capacity for organising may be thwarted or only partially translated into a capability for ethical organising, but also how emancipatory potentials within already existing forms of organising can be activated to create life value. All three troubling situations illustrate the difficulty of ethical organising when power imbalances present advantageously positioned participants with temptations to extract the benefits and to transfer the burdens of social cooperation, but where the long-term health of the associational ecosystem depends upon mutual capability formation that strengthens the capacity of the weaker party for complex contribution. In making change that aims at pluralising and redistributing power, organisational members struggle to establish a shared position for joint critique, reflection, and inventiveness. By bringing normative concepts derived from the synthesis of meaningfulness and mutuality into critical enquiry focussed on things of common concern, moral free spaces can provide a holding environment for multi-participant moral learning.