C. G. Jung had a special term for the path: the individuation process, or the process of becoming oneself. To individuate means to become an individual – someone undivided, at peace with themselves, aware of their feelings, emotions and character traits, and knowing what they want from life. Individuation is a living narrative with the sole protagonist as its centre; a plot skeleton of events guided by the protagonist's motivations and goals. Narratives are pre-genre, John Swales argues, and 'operate through a framework of temporal succession in which at least some of the events are reactions to previous events'. The individuation process is, essentially, educational. Human beings have the capacity to learn from narratives; all kinds of narratives: novels, TV series, films, video games, plays, myths, and fairy tales. Analytical Psychology has been discussing nine archetypes: the shadow, the anima, the animus, the child, the trickster, the old wise man, the old wise woman, the hero and the self.