In the last 70 years psychologists and psychotherapists in general have dramatically increased their knowledge and understanding of psychological disorders and their treatment, however, by the end of the century the American psychologist Martin Seligman and Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (2000) claimed that we knew very little about what makes life worth living. Inner Resources, our first art therapy intervention in this book, is an exploration of early childhood, adolescence and adulthood to discover what makes us happy in life, and what we might have forgotten that can still make us happy. This chapter explores how we can tap into old resources through sensory experiences and activate them in the here and now. Another art therapy intervention in this chapter looks at positive projections, how we can learn from others and identify unconscious inner qualities and characteristics. In positive art therapy, we consciously examine the unconscious mind and deliberately look at the way positive experiences and inner strengths are expressed through our imagery. We can mindfully use these insights in our daily life, giving way to the power of a positive happier self. The reader is encouraged to participate through drawings and self-reflection.