Society's need for health at work is as ubiquitous and perennial as civilization and the DNA of life itself. The notion that social conventions and public health policy should seek equity and fairness instead of equality is an important contribution of disability law to international health jurisprudence. Nanotechnology will force a redefinition of health and disability, in daily life and under law. Nanotechnology is redefining work by creating new approaches to ancient tasks and new tasks that never existed before, and therefore will force society to revisit these perennial issues under existing law and by drafting new laws. Nanotechnologies that produce nano-enabled assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and innovations in nanomedicine that help infertile people will cause a redefinition of parenting. Nanotechnologies as applied to ART, enable many more people to have biologically related children than in previous generations and also involve adding third or fourth people to the reproductive equation of parenting.