Chapter 6 sets out in detail the author’s theory of the dream myth and begins to apply this new theoretical lens to the analysis of the alleged ‘crime decline’. This developing formulation explores and explains how, why and to what extent individuals have come to act as if they believe in such a demonstrably erroneous assertion. Accordingly, by drawing upon a range of perspectives, including contemporary psychophysiological dream science and the study of political myths, the theory of the dream myth offers insights into how the discourse of the ‘crime decline’ has been sustained and to what end. Essentially, by applying the theory of the dream myth, this last substantive chapter explicates the persistent longevity of the ‘crime decline’ discourse. Crucially, before the chapter draws to a close it offers a potential avenue through which we may begin to move forward. The position being advanced within these closing stages is that before ambitious socio-structural and political-cultural transformations can be accomplished, we must first take a good look at the world as it really is and participate in a gesture of refusal to enjoy the comforting myths we have constructed.