In this chapter, case studies are provided for the static models using special purpose algorithms. State of Bavaria: Solid waste treatment and disposal facilities; December 31, 1982: There are six landfill sites, five incinerators and one combination facility (anaerobic digestion and incineration for residual waste). Only the garbage from canning and preserving industry, waste type 5, can be treated by an anaerobic digestion plant and demolition and construction debris, W6, cannot be incinerated. The other waste types may be incinerated or sent directly to a landfill. For each waste type, a network is formed with facility locations and sources as nodes with arcs connecting the nodes forming transportation arcs. Waste disposal facilities in the Nürnberg metropolitan area: There are twenty point sources of waste generation. Transfer stations, treatment plants and landfills have a fixed cost of acquisition and maintenance and a processing cost proportional to the amount of wastes handled at the facility.