This chapter analyzes the situation of women in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) in the inter-war period. It investigates the political, historical and economic situation in the Ukrainian SSR between the wars, before moving on to consider the female labour market, state policy concerning women's rights and legislative change relating to women's rights. The chapter focuses on the issues of women's education and women's health. It discusses Alexandra Kollontay's work on the 'woman question'. The chapter shows what measures were implemented in the Ukrainian SSR in order to overcome women's dependence on men, and to investigate the process of their emancipation, and seeks to identify potential guarantees of women's rights, such as health protection at work. State demographic policy aimed to consolidate families and to combine maternity with women's social and professional activities. The state was interested in women's health protection in order to safeguard women's bodies and the health of their future children.