This chapter focuses on the evolution of urban policy dating from the 1960s. This period denotes the commencement of 'modern' urban policy wherein government was slowly coming round to the realization that the 'urban problem' was a multi-faceted one. The chapter discusses 1977 White Paper, which denotes the highpoint of the next phase in the evolution of urban regeneration policy. The recognition of the significance of 'race' and the need for a multi-agency partnership approach to regeneration may be viewed, as initial evidence of the 'pluralistic turn' in urban regeneration. The Urban Programme was started in 1968 and was the government's response to the myriad of problems that prevailed within urban areas. The main thrust of Thatcherite urban policy centred on two inter-related processes: deregulation and entrepreneurship. The governance of urban regeneration transformed, during the 1980s, from being about 'urban managerialism towards urban entrepreneurialism or privatism.