This chapter examines the ability in the area of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was the largest economic and legal undertaking ever attempted, having an important impact on those with a disability and the labor force. It looks at NAFTA from its inception, examining first its benefits and then its drawbacks. In June 1991, Canada, the United States and Mexico began negotiations in earnest for the NAFTA. The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation 1993, a side agreement to NAFTA, promotes the enforcement of national labor laws and transparency in their administration, important for disability equality. The NAFTA partners are cooperating to advance trade liberalization not only within North America, but also in the negotiations for Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). As one of the key elements of the Summit Agenda, NAFTA partners are working together to ensure that the FTAA negotiations continue to progress toward the goal of conclusion of an agreement by 2005.