Insofar as Peace Research has sought to free itself from the traditionally systematic, but essentially, folk/literary approach to knowledge about questions of war, peace and conflict it has been only partially successful. Empiricism is one aspect of scientific thinking which, above all, should be rigorous, critical and a process that unites scholars is the field: science is done by individuals, but always in a collectivity. A focus on armaments is a central element of the Peace Research agenda. It is also indicative of relative degrees of emphasis associated with perspective. Certainly, it is a key element of the 'sharp-end' and policy-relevant agenda of Peace Research. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has been consistent with one of the founding principles of Peace Research; that it be problem centric and concerned with a policy agenda. Johan Galtung's notion of structural violence has become common currency in the continuing discussions relating to economic development and the growing gap between rich and poor.