Economic activity will continue to expand, at least as long as there are enough natural resources and energy. However, individual consumption for transport Ctr is causally related to GDP, (Fig. 22.2), by the relation

Ctr = AxlnGDP+B


Fig. 22.2. A causal relationship between per capita GDP and individual consumption for transport, (377)

22.2. Air pollution and railways

Table22.1. Emissions of pollutants provoked by various transport modes, (391)

22.3. Noise pollution and railways

The origin of noise from rail traffic can be traced in: the engine of rolling stock, wheel-rail interaction, contact between pantograph-contact wire and aerodynamic effects during movement of the train. Noise levels are attenuated by distance (though non-linearly) and are influenced more by distance than by changes in speed (see section 8.9.3). Results of measurements of noise level in relation to distance, the type of train and speed were presented in section 8.9.5.