The modern missionary movement inaugurated by the foundation of the Baptist Missionary Society in 1792 gave rise three years later to the interdenominational Missionary Society. The Society of Friends have been occupying a useful position, both in England and America. They laboured long and hard for the benefit of the heathen population of Western Africa, that they might be relieved from the cruelties and miseries inflicted on them by the slave-trade, and successfully also for the abolition of West India slavery. Frederick Trestrail addressed the Liverpool Missionary Conference on 'Native Churches', enunciating the broad policy of his society on church planting. The speech is notable for its apostolic conception of the missionary, its pragmatic refusal to impose any particular polity on churches overseas and its belief in the encouragement of indigenous initiative. In 1889 the policy of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in India was arraigned in The Methodist Times.