Pollution is organic or inorganic matter whose presence in the environment creates a health risk. Sewage and other liquid wastes from the domestic, industrial, agricultural, and urban uses of water cause pollution when improperly controlled and disposed. Addis Ababa experiences the highest health risk from industrial pollution in the country. Pollutants in industrial liquid waste can be organic, inorganic, and radioactive substances. The direct human effects of indoor pollution depend on the duration of exposure and the age and health conditions of the people exposed. Air pollution is the sustained presence of chemicals in the atmosphere in sufficient quantity to harm living organisms and inorganic matter alike. Environmental problems tend to focus on other issues, such as global atmospheric pollution, industrial hazards, and nuclear waste. High levels of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds enter surface waters in domestic and industrial discharges and storm water run-offs. Chloride concentration in Addis Ababa surface waters has been found to be high.