During the years 1976 to 1983, the author lived through the most terrible period in the history of his country, Argentina. In the midst of the dictatorial regime, in the year 1977, author started to work with the Argentinian Commission for Refugees (CAREF), related to the United Nations programme for refugees. He began studying theology in Evangelical Institute of Theological Studies (ISEDET) in 1980. The theological subject of Liberation Theology has been 'the new man', that is, the heterosexual man as head of the family, who is part of the masses in need of political and economic liberation. Rubem Alves, the Brazilian theologian, used to say that we exist and live through our bodies, yet the body does not exist in Liberation Theology. Divine revelation is a bodily category. The sense of diversity becomes dangerous for oppressive systems based on processes of systematic normativity, uniformed thinking and taxonomic styles.