Comparisons between the groups on each dimension of churchmanship reveal large areas where there is no significant disagreement between the groups over matters of belief or practice. A significantly large number of Evangelicals believe that Holy Communion should be open to all who love the Lord Jesus. A daily Eucharist is attended by a significantly high number of Catholics, 38 per cent, but 53 per cent of Catholics say that a daily Eucharist is important for them. A slight majority of the clergy in general do not believe that a belief in the Virgin Birth is essential, but Pro-charismatics do believe it is essential. A significant majority of Anti-charismatics agree that a daily Eucharist is important for them and 32 per cent of them are able to attend a daily Eucharist. It is the Pro-charismatics who are the greatest supporters of the idea that Holy Communion should be open to all who love the Lord Jesus.