This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book focuses on Internet-related technologies and services, as they are relatively new and have the profoundest social and economic implications. It explains an international comparative study into 'e-governance' strategies. The book presents a conceptual framework in which to analyse the local manifestation of the information society. It also explains an information and communication technologies (ICT) policy in a number of cities. The book intends to move away from the abstract macro-idea of 'the information society' and instead stress diversity and the 'local colour' of the information society, on the urban level. It suggests that the interaction between the three manifestations drives the dynamics of the local information society. The book also suggests that how policy – on several levels – might influence the dynamics. It starts with an analysis of the available information on the local ICT situation and official 'e-strategy' documents.