Alexandre Jollien illustrates very well the logic of the voluntary and anticipatory socialisation. Any production of meaning can only be social despite the outward appearance of an individualisation. Characterisation of the outlines of weak acting allows, with the undeniable risk of a simplistic interpretation, the formal conditions which make it possible to be pointed out. The reference to risk enables the consequences of social activities and individual actions, by nature uncertain in their results, to be recognised and accepted. Peace of mind, understood as a feeling of confidence in the continuity of the world of objects and in the Constance of social activity, represents an important element of a maintained inclusion in the world. Abandoning the relational management of self, the logic of accommodation, the actor in a situation of vulnerability mobilises then logic of distancing of oneself, implying the ability to distance oneself from oneself, to objectivise, to disengage, to un-involve oneself.