Evaluation of impairment of function and structure, limitation of activity, participation restriction, environmental supports, or barriers and behaviour of the person towards his/her disability need specific clinical tools and scales to assign an optimum percentage of disability. “Integrated Evaluation of Disability” has selected groups of function, activities, environmental, personal factors for evaluation of disability. Literature review identified relevant clinical methods/scales/practice guidelines/criteria/definition for evaluation of impairment of function/structure. Prevailing scales namely Functional status measures, Disability: Functional status and QOL measures, Health-related quality of life outcome measures, and Functional and social status outcome measures have a constraint in the evaluation of activity limitation, participation restriction, and environmental factors. WHODAS 2.0 evaluates six domains of major life activities namely understanding and communicating, mobility, self-care, interaction with people, life activities, and social participation. WHODAS 2.0 assesses mainly a limitation of activity and participation restriction. WHODAS 2.0 has not included evaluation of impairment, environmental and personal factors, though Health-related interventions may apply WHODAS 2.0 to monitor their impact. “Integrated Evaluation of Disability” defined clinical methods for impairment evaluation. Further, it developed “Activity Participation Skill Assessment Scale” (APSAS) for assessing limitation of activity and participation restriction, “Environmental Factors Measurement Scale” (EFMS) for measuring environmental factors and “Personal Factor Measurement Scale” (PFMS) to measure the behaviour of the person towards his/her disability. “Integrated Evaluation of Disability” developed severity scale to quantify impairment of function/structure, limitation of activity, participation restriction and environmental factors.