The major purpose of development-focused Rational Emotive Behavioural Coaching (DF-REBC) is to help the coachee to get the most out of themselves in whichever life area that they nominate. The person should not be experiencing an emotional problem (EP) when embarking on DF-REBC. The REB coach prefers to work with one EP at a time, particularly at the beginning of coaching, and if the coachee has more than one problem, they both need to decide which problem they are going to focus on first. This is known as the Target Emotional Problem (TEP). REBC is an active-directive approach to coaching and in EPF-REBC this means asking the coachee directly for which problem or problems they are seeking help. Once the TEP has been selected, it needs to be assessed. In REBC, the coach uses the 'Situational ABC-G' part of the 'Situational ABCDEFG' framework.