Natural disasters are events caused by natural forces such as extreme weather events or seismic events. Extreme weather events include severe storms, droughts, floods, wildfires, tornados, and cyclones. Seismic events include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and landslides. Natural disasters have a high level of newsworthiness because of their impact and potential impact on large numbers of people. This chapter presents case studies of how to report on three of the most common types of natural disaster: droughts, fires, and floods. Droughts are causing mass migrations of populations because growing seasons have shortened, thereby reducing yields and causing mass starvation. Reporting on a disaster comprehensively requires quick and thorough information-gathering and verification. Despite the urgency of reaching a disaster zone quickly, journalists must prioritise their personal safety, equipping themselves with supplies of food, water, medication, first aid kit, and sunscreen, as well as relevant accreditation and personal protective equipment.