Anjan grass is very nutritious and palatable. It is relished by all classes of livestock even at maturity. It is called buffel grass or African Foxtail and is a valuable tufted perennial grass in arid and semiarid areas characterized by severe drought, high temperature, low rainfall, and sandy soil. It is an excellent grazing perennial, suited to pasture and range lands. It is not very aggressive and is used for rehabilitating sand dunes and recuperating highly eroded areas. Its high soil-binding capacity is due to its clustered root system in the upper 8-10-cm layer of soil. The protein content ranges from 3% to 16%. The well calcium phosphorus ratio is 0.48-1.9%:0.411.05%. The crude protein percentage is 8.39, ether extract is 1.72%, crude fiber is 30.54%, total acid is 16.08, and nitrogen-free extract is 43.30%. Average green forage yield gives about 220-300 q/ha/year. The yield of pasture grass is about 150-200 q/ha/year. Oxalate levels can cause “big

head” (Osteodystrophia fibrosa) in horses and oxalate poisoning in young or hungry sheep.