The m aterials composed of only carbon and that give a detailed account of the family o f nanomaterials are carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Nowadays, from the family o f nanomaterials, multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are the m ost im portant for the industrial sector. MWCNTs are basically composed of numerous layers of graphite covered and folded upon themselves to give a table pattern. As MWCNTs possess unique mechanical and electrical properties, in the research field MWCNTs are useful as consecutive contents. Carbon nanotubes possess a variety of properties of materials, especially nearest to their analytical edges. Carbon nanotubes are a mixture of those rem arkable properties that provide a full advanced array of effective and convenient advantages. There are a number of R&D achievements leading to the generation of products in the m arket in term s of short-, mid-, and long-term advantages. For remarkable

restoration of electrically connected carbon blacks, MWCNTs are essential for short-term applications. This is particularly applicable for electrical and automotive industries. Modern basic complex elements based on CNT-assisted therm oplastics merge less density and powerful m achine-based properties. Nowadays m ost sportsrelated products can be enhanced or modified by the application of CNTs. CNTs are the latest version of nanovectors and developed as single-walled carbon nanotubes or multi-walled carbon nanotubes. MWCNTs may also be assembled as bioadaptive structures of nanomaterials (cylindrical bulky tubes). These bioadaptive arrangements are recently behind the inspection of MWCNTs for their biomedical advantages in, for example, oral drug delivery and gene delivery in nanomedicine as feasible and secure vectors of nanomaterials.