This chapter considers the alternatives to pipes including the wider benefits of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) above and beyond their water quantity and quality function. It discusses a range of other stormwater management measures, including community engagement. The chapter also discusses the place of stormwater management within wider water management initiatives such as water-sensitive urban design and green infrastructure. It also summarises the most common types of individual SuDS devices: inlet controls, infiltration devices, vegetated surfaces, pervious pavements, filter drains, infiltration basins, detention basins, ponds, and constructed wetlands. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) consists of a system to collect, filter, and store rainfall runoff from roofs with the intention to use the stored water for non-potable uses around the house and garden. The two most common infiltration devices are soakaways and infiltration trenches. The main types of vegetated surfaces used in stormwater management are filter strips, grassed swales, and bioretention systems.