This chapter addresses the curatorial arena by arguing that a terminological shift can be made advantageously from off-site curating to multi-sited curating. It argues that experimenting with multi-sited curating allows for the exposure of translocal processes, which are often characterized by asymmetrical power relations, social actors in motion, as well as conflicts, negotiations, and social struggles that extend over multiple locations. The Transit project also aims to experiment with multi-sited curating, which focuses on the network-like connections between transit nodes and other locations, seeking to accentuate those links by creating an exhibition that spans a range of physically separate sites. The chapter introduces the sites of the exhibition project in order to give concrete points of reference for these reflections. It focuses on the challenge involved in thinking beyond so-called sedentary and nomadic notions of site. The chapter shows in favor of a curatorial approach that seeks to ground the exploration of wide-ranging networks in specific local sites and contexts.