Population is increasingly urban settled. Ensuring the welfare of society against upcoming crises derived from emerging challenges such as climate change, social dynamics and critical infrastructure dependencies within cities is seen as a priority for both scholar and practitioners. In this context, the concept of city resilience gains relevancy. Moreover, the task of ensuring the well-being of society increasing city resilience cannot completely rely on public entities; the contribution of private companies and citizens is also needed. There is a need to develop effective mechanisms such as Public Private People Partnerships (4Ps) to support the city resilience-building process. In order to develop effective and long lasting 4Ps that contribute to the city resilience building-process it is important to consider three dimensions; stakeholder relationship, information flow and conflict resolution. The aim of this paper is to present and describe a repository of best practices gathered from real city resilience-building processes that are currently taking place in different cities all over the world that contribute to the development of these three important 4P dimensions.