The Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM) is a catastrophe model, which estimates hurricane damage. The FPHLM team has access to three main sources of exposure and claims data: county tax appraiser databases, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) portfolios, and private wind insurance portfolios. These databases were processed and cross-referenced at the county level. The FPHLM hazard team assigned estimates of surge and wave height, or fresh water inundation height, to each NFIP claim, as well as estimates of wind speed to each wind claim. The paper shows how combinations of more accurate building descriptions and cause of loss facilitates FPHLM flood model development, calibration and validation. The reliability evaluation, cleaning, geocoding, alignment, and integration of the different datasets, as well as the methods for the development, calibration and validation of the model are described. This is a work in progress and the paper presents some preliminary vulnerability curves.