In 2000, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) established marking patterns for speed humps and tables, as well as warning signs for speed humps, traffic circles, and roundabouts. For roundabouts, MUTCD signing and marking conventions should be adopted wholesale. Roundabouts are used on higher-volume, higher-speed streets, where the potential for serious crashes is greater. Special signing should be provided along traffic calmed streets that are designated as bicycle routes. Appropriate signing should be used at closures and diverters to indicate that bicycle access is maintained, as well as at horizontal measures to protect bicyclists from deflected motor vehicles. Advance warning signs should be deployed upstream of vertical measures, including speed humps, speed tables, raised crosswalks, and raised intersections. MUTCD requires the approach ends of pedestrian-refuge islands, traffic-divisional islands, and traffic-channeling islands to have marked, triangular, neutral areas in front so as to guide vehicles in desired paths of travel along island edges.