In Dallas, the Trinity River Corridor Project (TRCP) is the centerpiece of the effort to advance a sustainable agenda. The initiative encompasses more than a square mile of potential redevelopment land in the heart of the city, anchored by transformation of a seven-mile-long section of the Trinity River floodway into an urban park combining recreation, ecological restoration, flood control, transportation, and public art improvements. The vision to transform the Trinity River Corridor into a green redevelopment catalyst did not materialize overnight. It came to light in 1992 through Dallas Visions for Community in celebration of the city's sesquicentennial. In the context of urban development, few things can crystallize the potential for change better than proximity to parkland and water. The TRCP thus represents a massive "game-changer," one that will forever alter urban character of central Dallas. Central Dallas hosts a confluence of interstate highways, all vying for space as they circle the downtown before spinning outward to other regional destinations.