This chapter provides a snapshot of historic preservation in Atlanta, Georgia. With successes and dismal defeats, Atlanta is a city with a rich history whose record saving its notable buildings reflects its complicated relationship with the past and its continued hope for a brighter future. Using vignettes representing successes and failures, the chapter explores the schizophrenic nature of Atlanta's historic preservation consciousness marked by an appreciation for its own history but an often blatant disregard for its historic fabric representing this history. The old in new Atlanta is the soul of the city, the heritage that enhances the quality of life in a contemporary city. In 1987 the Atlanta Urban Design Commission published Atlanta's Lasting Landmarks, which listed and described the historic resources that had been locally designated, and captured the context in which these organizations had formed. Atlanta's preservation schizophrenia remains as the community's commitment to both progress and its historic roots continues to result in complicated preservation projects.