This chapter shows the density of downtown living that Seattle has long been seeking. Urban dwellers want local spots that offer variety, value, and verve. The drawn curtains may give the impression that the place is closed, but be assured that inside it is lively and urbane. As with many of the places, the bar is closely connected with the dining room, adding a lively energy. Usually the bar is right in the middle and the kitchen is in plain sight. Often the decor is simple and understated, but sometimes there is an extravaganza of forms, colors, and details. The clutch of closely packed tables placed hard up against the bar makes it feel like one of the beautiful and boisterous places around Union Square in San Francisco. The old style of hell-raising bars where guys would knock back beers and hassle female patrons are definitely, and thankfully, socially passe. So are smoke-filled lounges filled with emaciated alcoholics.