This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book addresses misconceptions about academic work and life and provides compelling results of detailed analyses performed on large-scale primary empirical material. It discusses a long list of uncertainties related to academic work and life, comparing academics' attitudes, behaviors, and productivity across countries, clusters of academic disciplines, age cohorts, and genders. The book discusses research performance differentials across Europe, with specifically defined top research performers contrasted with their lower-performing colleagues. It also discusses links between income differentials and research performance differentials across Europe, with specifically defined academic top earners contrasted with their lower-earning colleagues. In the process of accumulative advantage, exceptional research performance early in a young scientist's career attracts new resources, as well as rewards that facilitate continued high performance. 'Recognition for originality' in science is a 'socially validated testimony' to successfully fulfilling the requirements of the role of scientist.