This chapter discusses the comprehensive version of the liberalism of flourishing. It begins with some ancestors and precursors. The chapter then discusses the writings of C. B. Macpherson, Martha C. Nussbaum, and Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl. It concludes by discussing the ways to determine whether the various elements in an individual's life meet the standards of human flourishing. Comprehensive liberalism of flourishing is heir to the Western humanist tradition of two and a half millennia whose ideal is the creation of the conditions that will allow individuals to freely and completely develop and realize their humanness to the utmost extent. Marxism is a theory of comprehensive human flourishing. Marxism is a theory that views human beings as always located in a social context, so their fate is predominantly determined by social arrangements. Martha C. Nussbaum is a declared political liberal in the tradition of Charles Larmore and John Rawls.