There are two types of trauma. Big T trauma and little t trauma. Big T trauma are infrequent or one-time events which are catastrophic like floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, 9/11, rape and bone crushing car accidents. Little t trauma is more subtle, occurring over and over again during a certain period of time, even years. Little t trauma includes emotional or physical abandonment, growing up without a “voice,” and being constantly yelled at, with strict, autocratic rules. Experiential therapy allows the client to directly engage with the experiences their lives on a visceral level. Before they are asked to talk “about” their stories, they have the opportunity to allow the many components of their experience to emerge naturally. Gradually their thinking mind can move past its frozenness and come back on line and witness the self in action.

Effectiveness is a DBT core mindfulness skill and is all about doing what works, playing by the rules, letting go of vengeance, anger and who is right or wrong. It comfortably accents the idea of living in the grey area of life, giving people the benefit of the doubt and not holding on to old resentments, jealousy and revenge.