A byproduct of feeling the fear and doing it anyway is that people will respect you more for speaking up for yourself. This seems counter intuitive by it really works. People don’t like other people who are wishy washy and can’t make up their mind about simple matters such as where to go to eat, what type of toothpaste to buy or which move you want to watch. When you stand up for what you want in a decisive way, you will gain the respect of the other person. In turn they will begin to treat you differently in a more positive way. Some people have the conception that doing whatever we want without considering consequences is considered freedom. In truth, addiction is more like being a prisoner to the drug, alcohol, sex, person, food, gambling, etc. It’s the farthest thing from being free to do whatever you want. True freedom means we have a choice in life and when we choose wisely, we attain a sense of freedom. This chapter explores self-respect effectiveness and the willingness exercise; to give up something to finally move past the fear toward success in living a life worth living.