Postproduction requires careful supervision. Without a producer’s guiding hand, many productions grind to a halt at this stage. Failure to follow a logical workflow can result in a great deal of wasted effort. As editing gets under way, it’s common to discover that some additional photography is necessary to make the story work. The editing process itself can become mired in second thoughts and indecision. Once editing is complete, we’re ready for color correction, audio mixing and finally outputting. With regard to this last step, it’s important to know what video formats will be needed for distribution and exhibition of our project. The requirements of various festivals, broadcasters or streaming services may mean that the movie will need to be outputted in several formats. We must also make an archival version of our film that will hold up as technical standards evolve. Some of the costliest line items in our budget come during postproduction, but it’s important that we don’t drain our coffers to the point where we are unable to meet the expenses of distribution and promotion that lie ahead.